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Question 2 (Election officials)

Question 2 (Election officials)

Question 2 (Election officials)

April 2, 2024

April 2, 2024

April 2, 2024

This question proposes a constitutional amendment allowing only designated election officials by law to perform any tasks related to conducting primaries, elections, and referendums. The goal is to prevent unofficial individuals from handling sensitive election tasks.

Key facts:

  • Would amend Wisconsin's Constitution to restrict election task participation

  • Aimed at designating election duties explicitly to appointed officials

  • Covers all tasks related to conducting voting events

Financial impact: None evident

Who is impacted:

  • State and local election officials who are designated by law

  • Other individuals prohibited from participating in election tasks

Intended for:

  • Increasing security protocols and accountability around elections

  • Reducing possibility of interference by unofficial parties

Voter impact:

  • Could improve integrity measures safeguarding ballots and processes

  • May allow for more efficient oversight of elections by trained officials

This question proposes a constitutional amendment allowing only designated election officials by law to perform any tasks related to conducting primaries, elections, and referendums. The goal is to prevent unofficial individuals from handling sensitive election tasks.

Key facts:

  • Would amend Wisconsin's Constitution to restrict election task participation

  • Aimed at designating election duties explicitly to appointed officials

  • Covers all tasks related to conducting voting events

Financial impact: None evident

Who is impacted:

  • State and local election officials who are designated by law

  • Other individuals prohibited from participating in election tasks

Intended for:

  • Increasing security protocols and accountability around elections

  • Reducing possibility of interference by unofficial parties

Voter impact:

  • Could improve integrity measures safeguarding ballots and processes

  • May allow for more efficient oversight of elections by trained officials

This question proposes a constitutional amendment allowing only designated election officials by law to perform any tasks related to conducting primaries, elections, and referendums. The goal is to prevent unofficial individuals from handling sensitive election tasks.

Key facts:

  • Would amend Wisconsin's Constitution to restrict election task participation

  • Aimed at designating election duties explicitly to appointed officials

  • Covers all tasks related to conducting voting events

Financial impact: None evident

Who is impacted:

  • State and local election officials who are designated by law

  • Other individuals prohibited from participating in election tasks

Intended for:

  • Increasing security protocols and accountability around elections

  • Reducing possibility of interference by unofficial parties

Voter impact:

  • Could improve integrity measures safeguarding ballots and processes

  • May allow for more efficient oversight of elections by trained officials

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tl;dr voters is in beta release and may display incorrect information.