Created by Anirudh


Measure J - San Leandro USD Bond Measure

Measure J - San Leandro USD Bond Measure

Measure J - San Leandro USD Bond Measure

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

  • If passed, Measure J would authorize the San Leandro Unified School District to issue $174 million in general obligation bonds to fund improvements to school facilities.

  • The bond measure is projected to cost property owners approximately $37 to $60 per $100,000 of assessed property value per year until 2055, raising an estimated $343 million over the life of the bond to cover both principal and interest costs.

  • The bonds cannot be used for administrator or teacher salaries. Measure J includes accountability provisions like an Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee and requirements for annual independent audits.

  • Property owners within the school district boundaries would be responsible for repaying the bond debt through increases in their property tax bills.

  • The bond revenue would benefit San Leandro USD students by funding updated school infrastructure.

  • If passed, Measure J would authorize the San Leandro Unified School District to issue $174 million in general obligation bonds to fund improvements to school facilities.

  • The bond measure is projected to cost property owners approximately $37 to $60 per $100,000 of assessed property value per year until 2055, raising an estimated $343 million over the life of the bond to cover both principal and interest costs.

  • The bonds cannot be used for administrator or teacher salaries. Measure J includes accountability provisions like an Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee and requirements for annual independent audits.

  • Property owners within the school district boundaries would be responsible for repaying the bond debt through increases in their property tax bills.

  • The bond revenue would benefit San Leandro USD students by funding updated school infrastructure.

  • If passed, Measure J would authorize the San Leandro Unified School District to issue $174 million in general obligation bonds to fund improvements to school facilities.

  • The bond measure is projected to cost property owners approximately $37 to $60 per $100,000 of assessed property value per year until 2055, raising an estimated $343 million over the life of the bond to cover both principal and interest costs.

  • The bonds cannot be used for administrator or teacher salaries. Measure J includes accountability provisions like an Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee and requirements for annual independent audits.

  • Property owners within the school district boundaries would be responsible for repaying the bond debt through increases in their property tax bills.

  • The bond revenue would benefit San Leandro USD students by funding updated school infrastructure.

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