Created by Anirudh


Measure F - City of Piedmont Parcel Tax Measure

Measure F - City of Piedmont Parcel Tax Measure

Measure F - City of Piedmont Parcel Tax Measure

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

  • Measure F renews an existing parcel tax that has been collected in Piedmont since 1981 to fund vital city services.

  • The measure would extend the municipal services parcel tax through 2037, with initial rates between $743 - $1,254 for single family homes depending on parcel size. Rates adjust annually based on CPI inflation up to 4%.

  • The renewal measure would maintain Piedmont's existing parcel tax structure to continue providing revenue to the City's General Fund for police, fire, paramedic, park maintenance, recreation, public works and other services.

  • The tax rates vary based on factors like parcel size, land use, and number of housing units.

  • If approved, the measure would ensure stable funding for services that impact the quality of life for Piedmont residents.

  • Measure F renews an existing parcel tax that has been collected in Piedmont since 1981 to fund vital city services.

  • The measure would extend the municipal services parcel tax through 2037, with initial rates between $743 - $1,254 for single family homes depending on parcel size. Rates adjust annually based on CPI inflation up to 4%.

  • The renewal measure would maintain Piedmont's existing parcel tax structure to continue providing revenue to the City's General Fund for police, fire, paramedic, park maintenance, recreation, public works and other services.

  • The tax rates vary based on factors like parcel size, land use, and number of housing units.

  • If approved, the measure would ensure stable funding for services that impact the quality of life for Piedmont residents.

  • Measure F renews an existing parcel tax that has been collected in Piedmont since 1981 to fund vital city services.

  • The measure would extend the municipal services parcel tax through 2037, with initial rates between $743 - $1,254 for single family homes depending on parcel size. Rates adjust annually based on CPI inflation up to 4%.

  • The renewal measure would maintain Piedmont's existing parcel tax structure to continue providing revenue to the City's General Fund for police, fire, paramedic, park maintenance, recreation, public works and other services.

  • The tax rates vary based on factors like parcel size, land use, and number of housing units.

  • If approved, the measure would ensure stable funding for services that impact the quality of life for Piedmont residents.

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tl;dr voters is in beta release and may display incorrect information.