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Measure E - Sales Tax Measure

Measure E - Sales Tax Measure

Measure E - Sales Tax Measure

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024


  • Measure E proposes a 0.5% transactions and use tax (sales tax) in the City of Westminster, California.

  • If approved by voters, the sales tax rate in Westminster would increase from 8.75% to 9.25%.

  • The tax is expected to generate approximately $8 million in annual revenue for the city's general fund.

Intended Use of Revenue

  • The stated purpose is to "sustain Westminster's long-term financial stability" and "restore/prevent future cuts" to city services.

  • Key services mentioned include 911 response, police, firefighters, paramedics, addressing homelessness, and protecting local drinking water supplies.

  • Funds would provide general budget support rather than being earmarked for specific purposes.

Financial Impact

  • The tax would apply to most purchases made in Westminster. Several exemptions apply including groceries and prescription medications.

  • For a $100 taxable purchase, a shopper would pay an additional $0.50 in sales tax if Measure E is approved.

Oversight & Accountability

  • Includes independent annual financial audits and appointing a citizens oversight committee to monitor spending.

  • Requires providing an annual written report to Westminster households detailing revenue generated and expenditure of funds.

Ballot Placement

  • Placed on ballot by Westminster City Council to address budget issues and avoid cuts to vital city services.

  • Requires simple majority vote for approval. Tax does not automatically expire but could be ended by future ballot measure.


  • Measure E proposes a 0.5% transactions and use tax (sales tax) in the City of Westminster, California.

  • If approved by voters, the sales tax rate in Westminster would increase from 8.75% to 9.25%.

  • The tax is expected to generate approximately $8 million in annual revenue for the city's general fund.

Intended Use of Revenue

  • The stated purpose is to "sustain Westminster's long-term financial stability" and "restore/prevent future cuts" to city services.

  • Key services mentioned include 911 response, police, firefighters, paramedics, addressing homelessness, and protecting local drinking water supplies.

  • Funds would provide general budget support rather than being earmarked for specific purposes.

Financial Impact

  • The tax would apply to most purchases made in Westminster. Several exemptions apply including groceries and prescription medications.

  • For a $100 taxable purchase, a shopper would pay an additional $0.50 in sales tax if Measure E is approved.

Oversight & Accountability

  • Includes independent annual financial audits and appointing a citizens oversight committee to monitor spending.

  • Requires providing an annual written report to Westminster households detailing revenue generated and expenditure of funds.

Ballot Placement

  • Placed on ballot by Westminster City Council to address budget issues and avoid cuts to vital city services.

  • Requires simple majority vote for approval. Tax does not automatically expire but could be ended by future ballot measure.


  • Measure E proposes a 0.5% transactions and use tax (sales tax) in the City of Westminster, California.

  • If approved by voters, the sales tax rate in Westminster would increase from 8.75% to 9.25%.

  • The tax is expected to generate approximately $8 million in annual revenue for the city's general fund.

Intended Use of Revenue

  • The stated purpose is to "sustain Westminster's long-term financial stability" and "restore/prevent future cuts" to city services.

  • Key services mentioned include 911 response, police, firefighters, paramedics, addressing homelessness, and protecting local drinking water supplies.

  • Funds would provide general budget support rather than being earmarked for specific purposes.

Financial Impact

  • The tax would apply to most purchases made in Westminster. Several exemptions apply including groceries and prescription medications.

  • For a $100 taxable purchase, a shopper would pay an additional $0.50 in sales tax if Measure E is approved.

Oversight & Accountability

  • Includes independent annual financial audits and appointing a citizens oversight committee to monitor spending.

  • Requires providing an annual written report to Westminster households detailing revenue generated and expenditure of funds.

Ballot Placement

  • Placed on ballot by Westminster City Council to address budget issues and avoid cuts to vital city services.

  • Requires simple majority vote for approval. Tax does not automatically expire but could be ended by future ballot measure.

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