Created by Anirudh


Measure B - Special Tax Renewal for Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program Measure

Measure B - Special Tax Renewal for Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program Measure

Measure B - Special Tax Renewal for Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program Measure

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024


  • This is a measure that would renew authorization for Calaveras County to continue collecting annual fees used to fund the removal and disposal of abandoned and wrecked vehicles.

Key Facts

  • The measure would renew the existing $1 per vehicle registration fee and $2 commercial vehicle fee through March 5, 2033.

  • The fees go towards the Calaveras County/City of Angels Camp Abandoned Vehicle Authority (AVA) program.

  • The AVA uses the fees exclusively to abate, remove and dispose of abandoned, wrecked, and inoperative vehicles in the county.

  • The fees were originally authorized under California Vehicle Code sections 22710 and 9250.7.

  • The renewal requires 2/3 voter approval under Prop 26 which requires certain fees be approved by voters.

Financial Impact

  • The measure extends an existing $1 annual vehicle registration fee and $2 commercial vehicle fee paid by owners when registering vehicles.

  • Funds the removal of 100-150 abandoned vehicles annually. Without renewal, program would lose approx. $130,000 annual funding.

Who is Impacted

  • Vehicle owners in Calaveras County paying registration fees.

  • Residents impacted by blight from abandoned vehicles on public and private property.

Intended For

  • Intended to provide funding to the AVA program to continue services clearing abandoned vehicles throughout Calaveras County.

Voter Impacts

  • Approving measure would maintain current annual vehicle registration fees at existing levels to fund removal of nuisances.

  • Rejecting measure may result in buildup of abandoned vehicles without program funding. But would avoid paying fees.


  • This is a measure that would renew authorization for Calaveras County to continue collecting annual fees used to fund the removal and disposal of abandoned and wrecked vehicles.

Key Facts

  • The measure would renew the existing $1 per vehicle registration fee and $2 commercial vehicle fee through March 5, 2033.

  • The fees go towards the Calaveras County/City of Angels Camp Abandoned Vehicle Authority (AVA) program.

  • The AVA uses the fees exclusively to abate, remove and dispose of abandoned, wrecked, and inoperative vehicles in the county.

  • The fees were originally authorized under California Vehicle Code sections 22710 and 9250.7.

  • The renewal requires 2/3 voter approval under Prop 26 which requires certain fees be approved by voters.

Financial Impact

  • The measure extends an existing $1 annual vehicle registration fee and $2 commercial vehicle fee paid by owners when registering vehicles.

  • Funds the removal of 100-150 abandoned vehicles annually. Without renewal, program would lose approx. $130,000 annual funding.

Who is Impacted

  • Vehicle owners in Calaveras County paying registration fees.

  • Residents impacted by blight from abandoned vehicles on public and private property.

Intended For

  • Intended to provide funding to the AVA program to continue services clearing abandoned vehicles throughout Calaveras County.

Voter Impacts

  • Approving measure would maintain current annual vehicle registration fees at existing levels to fund removal of nuisances.

  • Rejecting measure may result in buildup of abandoned vehicles without program funding. But would avoid paying fees.


  • This is a measure that would renew authorization for Calaveras County to continue collecting annual fees used to fund the removal and disposal of abandoned and wrecked vehicles.

Key Facts

  • The measure would renew the existing $1 per vehicle registration fee and $2 commercial vehicle fee through March 5, 2033.

  • The fees go towards the Calaveras County/City of Angels Camp Abandoned Vehicle Authority (AVA) program.

  • The AVA uses the fees exclusively to abate, remove and dispose of abandoned, wrecked, and inoperative vehicles in the county.

  • The fees were originally authorized under California Vehicle Code sections 22710 and 9250.7.

  • The renewal requires 2/3 voter approval under Prop 26 which requires certain fees be approved by voters.

Financial Impact

  • The measure extends an existing $1 annual vehicle registration fee and $2 commercial vehicle fee paid by owners when registering vehicles.

  • Funds the removal of 100-150 abandoned vehicles annually. Without renewal, program would lose approx. $130,000 annual funding.

Who is Impacted

  • Vehicle owners in Calaveras County paying registration fees.

  • Residents impacted by blight from abandoned vehicles on public and private property.

Intended For

  • Intended to provide funding to the AVA program to continue services clearing abandoned vehicles throughout Calaveras County.

Voter Impacts

  • Approving measure would maintain current annual vehicle registration fees at existing levels to fund removal of nuisances.

  • Rejecting measure may result in buildup of abandoned vehicles without program funding. But would avoid paying fees.

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tl;dr voters is in beta release and may display incorrect information.